Legal Plans For All Ages

There are many reasons you may need a Legal Plan.
Most people will need a lawyer at some point in their lives. Whether you’re creating a will or disputing a traffic ticket, having a lawyer to navigate life’s complexities can bring reassurance when you need it most.
MetLife Legal Plans provide the support you need for life’s legal events
Access a team of top attorneys ready to help with a range of legal issues
Legal Plans provide coverage for a wide range of legal issues that can happen at any stage of life. Here are some common reasons you and your family members might use a Legal Plan:
In your 20s:
- As you’re leaving your apartment for work, you’re bitten by your neighbor’s dog. The pain eventually subsides, but you find yourself with some hefty medical bills. A lawyer can help you recover pet liability
- You receive calls from debt collectors regarding accounts that you didn’t open and discover that you’re the victim of identity theft. A lawyer can help you navigate the steps to identity theft recovery.
In your 30s:
- You decide to purchase your dream home. Your state may require you to hire a real estate attorney to handle parts of your home purchase. Even if a lawyer isn’t required, you may still want to retain one to review your purchase and mortgage agreements.
- You’re adopting a child. A family lawyer can guide you through the adoption process and help you complete the necessary paperwork.
In your 40s:
- You’re getting divorced. Although you’re parting on good terms, you’ll still need a divorce attorney’s help with child custody, alimony, and a name change.
- Your teen driver received a traffic violation, and you’re not sure whether to dispute it. A lawyer may be able to help you overturn the ticket or have the charges reduced—and can represent your child in court.
In your 50s:
- Your college student has moved out of a rental home and has left the property in good condition. He needs legal help getting the security deposit returned from the landlord.
- You’re revising your will and other estate planning documents. An estate attorney can help prepare and review your plan to ensure that it’s complete and will hold up in court.
In your 60s:
- You’re planning for elder care. A lawyer can help with powers of attorney, healthcare proxies, and assisted living residency agreements.
- You need legal advice during an IRS audit. A tax attorney can provide the legal expertise and negotiation skills necessary to represent you in discussions with the IRS—and can guide you through the entire negotiation process.
With MetLife Legal Plans, you’ll have access to a national network of attorneys who can provide the expert guidance you’ll need to handle a broad range of legal issues you might face at any life stage. You, your spouse, and your dependents can use the plan whenever you need help with a personal covered matter. Learn more.
1 MetLife’s Employee Benefits Trends Study, 2022.